A DSP Oriented Add-On Library For EEL
The EEL DSP module adds fast native code implementations of common
digital signal processing operations such as interpolation, filtering,
resampling, sums, averages, polynomial evaluation, FFTs and tools for
operating on FFT data.
function sum(v)[first, last, stride];
function average(v)[first, last, stride];
Calculate the sum or average of the specified values in ‘v’,
where ‘first’ and ‘last’ specifies the range, and ‘stride’
defines the number of indices to step to get to the next
‘first’, ‘last’ and ‘stride’ default to 0, (sizeof v - 1)
and 1, respectively.
Function renderers
function polynomial(size)<coeffs>;
procedure add_polynomial(v)<coeffs>;
Calculates a polynomial using the specified coefficients,
using the formula
v[i] = coeffs[0] + coeffs[1] * x +
coeffs[2] * x ** 2 +
coeffs[3] * x ** 3 + ...
where ‘i’ is the result index and ‘x’ is an iterator that
tracks ‘i’ so that [0, sizeof v] in ‘i’ corresponds to [0, 1]
in ‘x’. (That is, x never reaches 1 because ‘i’ stops at
(sizeof v - 1).)
function fft(tdata);
Complex forward (time to frequency) Fast Fourier Transform.
function ifft(fdata);
Complex inverse (frequency to time) Fast Fourier Transform.
function fft_real(tdata);
Real forward (time to frequency) Fast Fourier Transform. Takes
an even number of real valued time domain samples (vector
‘tdata’) and returns the FFT in the form of a vector of
complex values, ranging from DC (index 0 and 1) through
Nyqvist (last two indices).
The returned vector is two elements longer than the input
vector, and the contents is alternating real (even indices)
and imaginary (odd indices) components. Scaling is performed,
to maintain unity magnitude in all bins.
This function is the inverse of ifft_real(). Note that as
it is not possible to detect phase at DC and Nyqvist, the
imaginary parts of the corresponding bins will always be zero.
function ifft_real(fdata);
Real inverse (frequency to time) Fast Fourier Transform. Takes
an odd number of complex values (that is, an even size vector
with an odd number of pairs of values), ranging from DC (index
0 and 1) through Nyqvist (last two indices), and returns a
vector of real valued time domain samples.
The returned vector is two values shorter than the input
vector. Scaling is performed to maintain unity magnitude for
all bins.
This function is the inverse of fft_real(), except of
course, that any phase information in the DC and Nyqvist bins
is lost.
function fft_cleanup;
Release any internal FFT support data that has been calculated
and cached by previous calls to fft(), ifft(), fft_real() or
function c_abs(v, b);
TODO: function c_abs(v);
Calculates the absolute (magnitude) of FFT bin ‘b’ in the
frequency domain data ‘v’. The actual calculation performed is
where ‘re’ is v[b2] and ‘im’ is v[b2 + 1].
This function will throw appropriate exceptions when trying
to index bins outside of ‘v’.
TODO: The c_abs(v) version returns a vector containing the
absolutes of all complex pairs in ‘v’.
function c_arg(v, b);
TODO: function c_arg(v);
Calculates the argument (phase angle in radians) of FFT bin
‘b’ in the frequency domain data ‘v’. The actual calculation
performed is
atan2(im, re)
where ‘re’ is v[b2], ‘im’ is v[b2 + 1], and atan2() is the
standard C two argument arctangent function that considers
both arguments in order to determine the quadrant.
This function will throw appropriate exceptions when trying
to index bins outside of ‘v’.
TODO: The c_arg(v) version returns a vector containing the
arguments of all complex pairs in ‘v’.
function c2p(cv);
TODO: Returns a vector containing the polar conversion of all
complex numbers in ‘cv’.
function p2c(pv);
TODO: Returns a vector containing the complex conversion of all
polar numbers in ‘pv’.
c_set() / c_add()
procedure c_set(v, b, re, im);
procedure c_add(v, b, re, im);
c_set() sets bin ‘b’ in FFT frequency domain data ‘v’ to
(re + i * im). c_add() instead adds ‘re’ and ‘im’ to the
existing values.
Negative bin indices (‘b’) are clamped to 0, whereas high
indices are ignored, making no change to ‘v’.
c_set_polar() / c_add_polar()
procedure c_set_polar(v, b, mag, ph);
procedure c_add_polar(v, b, mag, ph);
c_set_polar() sets bin ‘b’ in FFT frequency domain data ‘v’ to
the specified magnitude and phase, by calculating re and im
like so:
re: v[b * 2] = cos(ph) * mag;
im: v[b * 2 + 1] = sin(ph) * mag;
c_add_polar() instead adds the calculated ‘re’ and ‘im’ to the
existing values.
Negative bin indices (‘b’) are clamped to 0, whereas high
indices are ignored, making no change to ‘v’.
c_add_i() / c_add_polar_i()
procedure c_add_i(v, b, re, im);
procedure c_add_polar_i(v, b, mag, ph);
Similar to c_add_polar() and c_add() respectively, but these
procedures implement “phase correct” linear interpolation
across the two bins closest to the real valued index ‘b’.
They are equivalent to the following EEL procedures:
procedure add_i(v, b, re, im)
local i = (integer)b;
local frac = b - i;
if i & 1
re, im = -re, -im;
dsp.c_add(v, i, re * (1 - frac), im * (1 - frac));
dsp.c_add(v, i + 1, -re * frac, -im * frac);
procedure add_polar_i(v, b, mag, ph)
local i = (integer)b;
local frac = b - i;
if i & 1
mag = -mag;
c_add_polar(v, i, mag * (1 - frac), ph);
c_add_polar(v, i + 1, -mag * frac, ph);
These procedures are primarily intended for “rendering”
oscillators in the frequency domain in FFT-1 synthesis. The
interpolation and the inversion of odd bins eliminates the
“thuds” that occur in frequency sweeps when using only the
nearest FFT bin.
The c_add_polar_i() variant is suitable when the partials
to render are expressed as phase accumulators, but has the
disadvantage that it needs to calculate the sine and cosine of
the phase. The slightly faster c_add_i() instead takes a
complex value (re and im) defining the partial phase and
magnitude. Instead of using trig functions, these values can
be generated by “complex rotation” oscillators, which can be
a lot faster where incremental algorithms are appropriate.